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Motivational Monday: Daily Purpose and Fulfillment

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Ever find yourself wondering if there's more to your daily routine than meets the eye? Join Mitch Dawson and me as we embark on a profound exploration of what it means to lead a life brimming with purpose. From the minute you make your bed to the moment you clock out from work, we dissect how small, achievable goals can be the stepping stones to a fulfilling life. We'll guide you through the often overlooked joys of simple tasks and how they contribute to the grand tapestry of your life's purpose, showing that your true calling might be woven into the fabric of what you already love and excel at.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back, another episode of Motivational Mondays with Mitch and Dawson, kane and Cody they're still on layaway from. They came in on the red eye still sleeping in. But we're here and we're ripping it. They're always working, always busy. That's what it is. That's my bad. I was being an asshole. You're a good guy. Today, we're going to talk about finding your purpose every single day, finding what your purpose is every single day. Uh, do you want to start off on?

Speaker 2:

you want me to go off my tangent, just let her rip.

Speaker 1:

All right, man, I I think it's really important to find um purposes throughout the day. You know, there's a, there's a good way to set a goal for your day, but it doesn't have to be big, it can. You know my purpose I? I want to wake up. I want to make my bed. That's a small thing that you can do that gives you a purpose. It gives you a purpose to get out of bed, because you can't fucking make it if you're in there.

Speaker 1:

You know I want to eat my breakfast. I want to make my breakfast, eat my breakfast. I need to wake up on time to do that. That's that's finding your purpose. That's that's something that you need to do. So I like to break it down into smaller things what I need to do throughout the day to to give me purpose, because if you don't have a purpose, it's very easy to just get down on yourself and just want to lay in bed and watch a movie because you don't have anything to do. Yeah, you know it's very easy to say that you're bored because you're not willing to find something to do for yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think a lot of people they're just like. They feel like their timeline is rushed and they're like I don't know what my purpose is. I don't you know. There's got to be more for me than just this dead end nine to five that I'm doing. What is my purpose? Like? I don't know what the sense of direction is.

Speaker 2:

And something I always ask people is like what do you enjoy doing? What have people told you that you're good at? Has someone been like oh, mitch, you're like, really, you have really good people skills, mitch, you're really good at like. Or you could be like you're really good at interacting with people or selling a product to people. I could see you being. I could see you being a salesman, mitch. Mitch, I could see you selling something. I could see you, you know, selling some sort of product to someone. Okay, well, then try that niche out. And if that niche doesn't work, then you know like okay, well, maybe I'm not a car salesman, maybe I need to go sell a side-by-sides or four wheelers or something. We can try that. Or maybe I need to sell houses or different stuff like that, um, and that that is something that I do.

Speaker 2:

Try to tell people that that works really well to find your purpose with that. I do like how you're saying the small little things in that aspect to make it feel more tangible, to find that purpose. So you're not so stressed out looking at the bigger picture of, because so many people get stressed out by being like, oh my God, what's my purpose? I have no sense of direction, I don't know where to go, what to do and anything like that. So like what are you? What are you good at what? What is that burning desire that you have? What do you find enjoyment doing? Because at the end of the day, everyone's always going to gravitate towards something that they enjoy doing, whether it's gaming, whether you know you could stream, you could do stand-up comedy, you could shout out to Kane, you could knit, you know you could. Whatever it is, you're going to want to gravitate towards it because you get natural enjoyment from that. So why not take that next step and try to pursue that a little bit more serious?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and there's another route that we can dive into. Off of that it's like well, what are the things that you like to do? Well, I like to golf. I'm not a fucking professional golfer. I'm never going to be a professional golfer, I've come to terms with that. And golf costs money. So what am I going to do? If I want to go golfing every night, I gotta go find, go find some money.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Whether I like it or not, at least I'm working to get to where I want to be. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Right, maybe I hate my job.

Speaker 1:

But maybe I really like golfing after work, yeah, and I can't get there if I don't go to work. You know you need to have some sort of purpose for that. Yeah, find, find your purpose. You don't need to create a purpose, find it. You don't have to change your life, you just need to realize why you're doing the things that you're doing and why they need to work for you, right?

Speaker 2:

And then I mean, you could even be like I have to work more at this job that I'm not a big fan of because I would rather be golfing, but I'm working more to support this hobby of golfing, so that's going to make you want to take golfing more serious. So when you're out there, you're not just, you know, messing around, you're actually taking it seriously and trying to progress and be better. So maybe one day you can do something in regards to golfing as your nine to five instead of just your five to nine you know, I'm saying, man, there's, there's a lot of fucking routes that we can dive off a lot around.

Speaker 2:

That's why I love this topic, because I we're talking before this episode.

Speaker 1:

I think one of my favorite things about finding your purpose is, uh, having the ability to be proud of yourself, because if you don't have a purpose, you there, there's no goal that you can reach. There's no reason for you to be proud of yourself if you didn't find the purpose in the first place, yeah. If you didn't. If you didn't find the purpose in the first place, yeah. If you didn't set the goal, achieve the goal, then you can't be proud of the goal. So, if you don't find your purpose, you can't be proud of yourself. You can't sit there and pat yourself on the back if you don't have a purpose in the first place.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely. I'm having a tremendous brain fart. You're brain farting, I'm having a brain fart. I'm having a tremendous brain fart. You're brain farting, I'm having a brain fart. What?

Speaker 1:

other rabbit hole. Do you want to dive down here?

Speaker 1:

There's so many, because finding your purpose, I really believe, is one of the most, if not the most important topic that we've talked about on Motivational Monday so far. It's something that I didn't realize was that big of a deal until you really started thinking about it. It's one of those things where you can rack your brain day in and day out with finding what your purpose is, because it's such a broad spectrum it can. It can be making your bed in the morning, but it can also be I want to be a millionaire when I'm 30. That's, that's a fucking purpose.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, figure out how to do it, yeah, and I think I think a lot of times too, within trying to find your purpose. You can't fight it either. And so, for for so long, like I people are just like hey, like you're really good with like interacting with people and people like like, like chatting with you and talking with you and things like that, I'm like yeah, yeah, yeah, but I'm not a big fan of people or like I'm. I'm kind of like a introvert, extrovert, and I was trying to like avoid understanding and accepting what my purpose was when it was right in front of me the whole time. And, as you know, I'm progressing through my journey of life. I'm starting to realize like hey, like I got to take a little bit more serious, because this is something that is natural to me, I'm good at and I really find fucking enjoyment out of it and I can't be scared of the consequences. Um, and I mean going down this rabbit hole.

Speaker 2:

I saw a video today where this guy was talking about um, you need to shatter your ego because, um, within, within your ego, that just ties into your thoughts and your thoughts aren't reality. You know, we are merely slabs of meat coexisting on a floating rock at the end of the day with thoughts that are not reality. So you know, I could be in my head worried about what someone's thinking about me, or a video I post or a picture I post, and I'm worried about the criticism and judgment, because you know everyone's going to judge you regardless. Oh, he was squatting, but his, his, his feet, placement wasn't right and that's bad for this ligament and this and this and this. But it doesn't matter at the end of the day because you're just doing something you love and that's, and you're fueling that purpose and something that you get enjoyment out of.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely that that I like, that too. I like the whole um, not letting your ego play, or really just other people's opinions in general too. Not not playing into your purposes. Yeah, because if it's something that you like and that you want to do, whether someone hates it or loves it, it's not up to them, because if you care about their fucking problems, if you let your ego get in the way of what they're saying about you, then you're losing your purpose.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You're not, they're fucking. They're fucking your shit up way worse than you'd ever know it, cause you could just brush it off and be like, oh, whatever, but at the end of the day, that's what you need to do, yeah, and I mean, it can't matter to you, you're not allowed to have an ego about it. It literally can't matter, right, otherwise you can't progress with it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I mean you could be pursuing your purpose and you could have like a buddy that's really close to be like hey, like reel it back, dude. You know this isn't what you enjoy doing. You're trying to put on this persona that's like not reality of who you are, and you know they could check you within your ego and you know they could check you within your ego and but if your ego is too big and you're blinded with your ego, they're merely trying to help you and that is going to progress you further towards your purpose, but your ego is getting in the way and not allowing, not allowing that, that criticism, to push you further towards that purpose as well. And I feel like it is.

Speaker 2:

It is ego is a big thing in men and I feel like it, it, it, ego is a big thing in men and I feel like it sabotages many relationships. It sabotages, yeah, the purpose as well. I feel like a lot of guys, they, they just they hate taking criticism and they're not teachable at the end of the day and they allow that ego and that that pride to to to blur constructive criticism and that could help potentially, get to their purpose faster yeah, I also.

Speaker 1:

I like the concept of uh, have you ever got double checked by your buddies? One time I? I have this really specific story in my head that I'm thinking of right now, but basically the moral of the story is I got checked by a friend for for being an asshole, basically yeah yeah, and then I went to another friend to complain about it. I was like can you believe he said this shit? And my other buddy goes that's his fucking opinion, dude.

Speaker 2:

So now I got double dick because I'm like I.

Speaker 1:

I thought he was the asshole and it turns out I'm the asshole for sure like fuck, it's like I just it was literally just reassured to me that I'm the dick in this situation. Yeah, absolutely. And my ego was running so wild that I'm like so in my own head that I'm like there's no way this guy doesn't agree with me. Yeah, there's no fucking way.

Speaker 2:

And then you go for a second opinion. You're like wait, I'm, I am a dick yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. I think that's super funny. Dawson, what do you say? I, we've been slamming some some mountain valley spring waters in here, oh, it'll just keep running, really, yeah, we just keep the recording welcome back um.

Speaker 2:

The bathroom break went swell for both of us. Thank you for your patience. Mitch dawson, I have a question for you. What is your purpose?

Speaker 1:

you feel so this is an interesting question for me, because I kind of touched on it right at the beginning of the episode. But I don't really. I don't really know what my set in stone purpose is. I like to break things down throughout my day. You know, sometimes I wake up and I'm like I have to go to work. So first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to make breakfast. That's my purpose, right there. Need to make it to work on time. Go to work. Do I try to do a good job? I try and, uh, I try and be a people person at work. I am a big people guy. I know you're not a huge people person, um, but it's. It's something that brings me a lot of joy, is like that bond with co. I really like to feel like the guys who I work with are my family.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know it's, it's it's not that I love my job more than anything in the world, but I think there's some really, really special guys that I get to work with. So that's important to me is making those friendships and those memories and things like that. You know, the weekends I come in, get to shoot the podcast, I get to talk to the people whoever feels like listening that week gets to hear me and I hope that I bring them some joy.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a really good. Purpose of mine is maybe making someone smile, maybe giving someone some motivation.

Speaker 2:

I noticed you were saying earlier, when we were Snapchatting, that you were putting in long hours. Was it yesterday?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I was pretty late yesterday. We came in and shot an episode or two episodes last night, so I was here till like 10 o'clock, yeah and then you're back at it again.

Speaker 2:

So obviously this podcast really brings you like joy and you feel like it does fulfill your purpose in that aspect is podcasting well, dude, it doesn't give me any fucking money. So it kind of has to. That's the only that's the.

Speaker 1:

That's the yeah, that's the itch. It's scratching for me is I get to bring people joy and I get to spend time with my buddies. I get to make relationships with sam and cody and you and kane and all these people that I would never really hang out with to begin with. You know, yeah, not that I don't like you, but it's, it gives us a good reason to fucking hang out all the time. Yeah, I really like that and I think it's, uh, it's been a very positive thing in my life. This podcast as a whole, yeah, has really helped me more than I think, uh, anyone would realize. Even cody and sam and those guys I've never really like openly said that to them yeah, how much this has changed me, and changed me for the better yeah, I think that's huge.

Speaker 2:

You know, I I'm kind of similar to you in that aspect is like you want to provide a service to people and that is, you know, the, the motivation aspect, or the laughter, or the good connections or the relationships, because everyone wants to be liked by everyone. But when you Whether you want to admit it or not- you do want to be liked by everyone 100%.

Speaker 2:

And talking back on what you mentioned, it's not that I don't like people, it's just sometimes I voiced a couple of podcasts ago it's just social anxiety aspect and it just kicks in randomly. I'm like I can go without seeing people. My energy meter is low, um, but, for example, like it'll be a long day at work and then we head to the gym and I'm getting bombarded with people like, hey man, what's going on? Oh, I saw your tiktoks. You know you have you tried this, this and this? This is where the algorithm's going. Try this audio. This is trending. Hey man, you want to spot me quick? Oh bro, what's going on? And I'm just like God, I just want to put my headphones on and work out.

Speaker 2:

But but it's so natural for me and my girlfriend has even mentioned this too, and she's like I can't tell that you're like annoyed or you want your headphones on because you're, you're just, you still have that smile, you're still bubbly, you're still talkative with these people and I think new, like hey providing, like that you know that laughter where people get excited to see you and like you know you, you motivate them and all that.

Speaker 2:

That is something that that is my purpose, that that fuels my purpose because, regardless of the shitty day I had or how how I've bitten all the nail off my finger because I'm just stressed out with social anxiety, I still put on that persona sometimes. Sometimes you do have to fake it, so you make it, but for me, deep down, it isn't even faking it anymore, it's just I just genuinely get like enjoyment out of it. I got I could have the worst day in the world and some young kid could come up to me and ask me for advice or be like hey, I saw that that video you made and that was hilarious, like the snapchat you did earlier. I was, I was dying. I showed my buddies about it and like to that's awesome, because they could have been having the worst day ever, but I made them laugh and I made their day that much better.

Speaker 1:

And then and then you get the, the, the reoccurring of that of they're giving you positive feedback which is what you're looking for at the end of the day, Cause it's like that those small interactions mean so much more than most people realize.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

They are important. Um, you know, I I literally had a night like that last night, where we came in here and we shot these episodes, like I just had a super long day. Like shortly before I left work, I absolutely sliced the fuck out of my finger on some sheet metal. My vape died. I was, I was in the fucking dumps.

Speaker 1:

Mad dude, if you're a nicotine addict and you lose your nicotine, it is violent dude and I'm like when I drove here I drove from north branch to here it's like 45 minutes, yeah and I was fucking rage mode the whole time I'm talking mad and I showed up and I was still pissed off and by the time I sat in the seat, the small interactions I had with the people that I love made you forget about, made me completely forget about it, and we shot a great episode and I was in the best mood by the time I left. Yeah, you know. So that's why shit like this is important to me, because it's like it is a grind, it is something that you have to commit yourself to, but I want to be here.

Speaker 1:

I'm not I'm not saying it's a grind and in a complaining way, it's a goddamn good grind and I love every second of it absolutely. You know it's like you. You said you you have a similar way of finding your purpose, but do you have any sort of like long, long-term goal purposes other than making people happy? Is there something that you really think is your sole purpose in this world? Is it just making people happy? If someone had to do a deep dive into who you are as a person, what would you want them to think?

Speaker 2:

I mean I obviously want them to think all good thoughts but in the same sense, I'm not a perfect person.

Speaker 2:

At the end of the day, I think my like we'll say end all be all, like my main goal is to is podcasting.

Speaker 2:

I love podcasting to my core because you know what I envision is, you know, having having my own podcast and traveling, meeting people, and because every single person has a story and I I love being teachable and I love kind of being open-minded in that aspect, because everyone has a story and everyone wants to talk about their story and I think it's really cool because everyone's unique in their own way, like you, and you and I could could look at a situation and it we could look at it in two different aspects of just one singular situation, and because we're two different people with two different minds and mindsets and everything like that, and I think that's amazing. And I think to be able to allow people to have that platform where they can go on and explain how their mind works and their viewpoints and their beliefs and different things like that, and know it's okay to do that is tremendously awesome in my mind Because, yeah, people are cool, you know, and how that process, process works and I want to hear everyone's story because it's like you, joe schmode on the road that could be just like keep to himself, could have the craziest fucking war stories and you're like, who is this? Who's my neighbor? I didn't know this guy, you know what I mean and I think that's, I think that's awesome and, um, yeah, so I think I think for for my true like calling, or yeah, we'll say, purpose, that's something that really tickles my fancy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what, what I like to what I would like for my end all be all type thing. I think the type of guy that I would want to be at the end of the day is, uh, I want to be the type of dude where, if I could get anyone in a room like me and you are right now and I could sit down with them and I could talk with them for an hour, that they would come out of that room and say that I am, I'm a well-rounded and a good person.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, I'd like them to think like you know I'm. I'm maybe I'm funny, but I have strong viewpoints and I am true to my word and I'm honest and I am respectful. Yeah, Like I would like the ability to sit down with anyone in the world, whoever it may be, if they hate my guts.

Speaker 2:

I'd like to think that I can sit in a room with them for an hour and convince them that I am a likable person and I am a good person yeah, and honestly, when you, when you say that with both hating the guts for example, there's an older guy, older gentleman at I've been working I was like, oh, that's big bad john. You know, that's big john john stud. You know, he's just this old, crabby guy that hates, hates, working here at this coal plant and blah, blah. And when I first started there I was like, oh, have a good day. And he was like I kind of kept to himself. Now him and I, we bullshit, he picks on me. I get that guy to belly laugh. I mean, this guy when he laughs he shakes his shoulders with it, it's the funniest thing.

Speaker 2:

And before he leaves the locker room, he's like hey, I have a good day and I'm like you too. Now he's telling me to have a good day. Yeah, the amount of enjoyment that I, I truly get out of stuff like that is is just unbelievable. Yeah, and like I would, I, I would like to, you know, like you just said, I would like to be in a room with someone and I would like to you know the people to walk out, be like he's just a genuine person, because I think, at the end of the day, as long as someone's just their genuine, authentic self, that's all that matters. You know, because, yeah, at the end of the day, yeah, there's going to be things that this, that that person I don't agree with or they don't agree with me, but as long as they're genuine and true to themselves, okay, that's dope, that's awesome, because you're just an authentic human being.

Speaker 2:

Because there's so much fake bullshit in the world and people are like trying to put on these personas to be liked by everyone, but in the same sense, everyone can see through these fake personas and like that's bullshit, that's bullshit. That person's annoying, they're mean, this and this and this, like the meanest. I find that the meanest, most stubborn, egotistical people are the most genuine, heartfelt people that just want to be loved like everybody else yeah, dude, you're.

Speaker 1:

you're absolutely right, I. I'd like to think that you know, even if me and you have some very polar opposite views, at the very least we should be able to respect each other for staying true to those things Correct and not argue about it, not fight about it, not be like that guy's a fucking asshole. Be like that guy, he's real, he's fucking real. And that's the most attractive trait to me is if someone is just going to be fucking real with you. You, regardless of if you're going to like it or not, yeah, and I mean I.

Speaker 2:

I saw I saw a tiktok about it where people are like why? Why is it not cool to drink anymore? And the one guy's like because it's fucking not. What's cool is sitting down with someone and having an authentic conversation, having a real conversation, having a conversation with depth. With depth that isn't some fake bullshit that you're going to forget the next day and this and this and this. And I felt that to my core because you know, I did have a drinking phase for a while and it's like, yeah, it's, it's fun. I mean, you can still go on whatever.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying to cut it completely out. Just don't crucify me on that but I'm what I'm saying is like you do it day in and day out or every single weekend. You know, when you take a step back and think about it, like you're having these bullshit conversations with people that you're not even going to remember half of it. Yeah, what's dope is sitting down with someone who is authentic and and and is they feel safe to express their beliefs and their viewpoints, and like, okay, I'm not going to get judged, it is what it is. I'm just going to fucking lay this out on the table and say some manic shit and vice versa, and you guys are like, oh okay, I don't agree with that, but this person's about it, and they stand on business. That sounds good.

Speaker 1:

That's dope. Yeah, have you ever got yourself into a predicament I'm running another one of those scenarios through my head when you want to get along with everyone. Have you ever gotten into the predicament where someone wants you to pick sides? How do you deal with that? You know what I'm saying. Like I I worked on a crew, um, for like a year and a half and they were they were the drama crew dude these there's like three different crews working all out of the same show up and I got along with everyone, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But like, if you go hang out with this guy, say you're working with one guy for a day and someone else doesn't like him, yeah, the first thing they're saying is how was it working with your buddy today? Like I'm supposed to not like that guy just because you don't, just just because you don't like him, you fucking like I. I fuck with everyone. I'm not, I'm not here to fucking bicker, I'm here to be buddies. And if me being friends with him is a problem for you, yep, fuck you a little bit. You know, not really fuck you, because I'm still cool with you too, but fuck you a little bit for putting me in that spot, dude I struggle with that so much at work.

Speaker 2:

There's so much drama and it's it's crazy to me that like guys in I don't want to say just construction, but it feels like guys are more like drama filled in that exact instance and like that scenario than women are.

Speaker 2:

It's ridiculous the amount of shit like that that I do with that work and it's just, it's so unnecessary and, honestly, like I said earlier, just stand on business Like if oh, sorry, you don't like that person, whatever, and blow it off because people are going to know that and they're going to sense that and be like, oh, they don't want to talk about this, they don't want to hear it. Okay, I'm just going to shut up now, you know, if someone's like oh Dawson, I was working with so and we just literally just we're just on the job doing what we're doing. It is what it is.

Speaker 2:

I'm literally just here to get a paycheck, dude sorry and they're gonna be like, oh okay, because you didn't give them that validation and that answer that they wanted, and more than likely they'll fuck off and go try to seek it from somebody else at that point, which I mean whatever, but just don't feed into it, don't add to it. Just stand on, business man, you don't, you don't have to, because if you add to it and you and and yeah, you, you, yeah, you ultimately add to it, you're just as bad as that person that that fucking brought it to you. So just keep your mouth fucking shut about it and just be like, hey, it is what it is, I mean, you don't like that. And if they keep being persistent, that's when you can take it to that that serious.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, hey, I don't really care, I'm sorry I don't care, I don't want to fucking hear it. Not just shit on you, but I really this is not even something that's on my radar right now.

Speaker 2:

I'm I am not thinking about this whatsoever, I there's bigger fish to catch oh, hell.

Speaker 1:

Well, we got ourselves down a real rabbit hole with this one um, which is okay, like yeah, no, I think I think it was great.

Speaker 1:

I think it was a great thing to talk about and I hope everyone got some knowledge out of this episode because, like I said earlier, I think this is a really important one. Finding your purpose will open up a whole new world to you and it'll really help you figure out who you are as a person. You got any closing notes, dawson, or you want to just say goodbye to the people?

Speaker 2:

I think once you truly find that path that will lead to your purpose, I think you'll start to enjoy the finer things in life. You'll start to enjoy the you know. You'll be able to stop and be like, wow, life's not that bad, you know, because you're working towards something, and so that fulfillment will bring you happiness and joy that nothing else can truly bring you. You know, you can buy that fancy car, you can buy that Gucci bag, you can buy all that shit, but until you're on that pursuit of your purpose, nothing is going to fulfill that void. There's no money, there's not someone special that's going to be able to do that. You need to find that purpose in yourself and you need to just run with it. And you need to run and jump feet first, jump head first, whatever it may be, and pursue it. Pursue that shit fucking hard every single day and just trust the process and enjoy it, and you'll see that you can enjoy the finer, sweeter details in life and you'll probably have more of a positive outlook on life Hell yeah, brother.

Speaker 1:

Well, everyone thanks for tuning in to Motivational Monday. We'll fucking get back to you next week. Drive safe.

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